Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Dear dancers and parents,
Over two weeks ago dancers were instructed to each take two posters and hang them in public places to promote Giselle and report where their posters were placed. I have only had a few dancers report where their posters are located. I, myself, have been canvassing and putting up posters and am surprised that even businesses within walking distance of the studio did not have a poster. I want to remind everyone that putting up posters to promote the show is part of your contract. Ticket sales are the life blood of our company. It is what provides us with the funding for costumes, scenery and staging for our productions. We want as many people as possible to come see Giselle. We can't sell tickets to the general public if they don't know about the show. With such a small cast for this production we cannot rely on the ticket sales from friends and family alone. Word needs to be spread further than that and advertising in public spaces will help do that. Therefore we are requiring all cast members to take another two poster to hang (for a total of 4 per dancer). All 4 poster locations need to be reported to Paige by Monday, April 25th. We do not want to have to fine dancers for not fulfilling this portion of their contract but there is the possibility of incurring a fine to cover the printing cost for posters that are not distributed.

Many places have community boards that support local events, such as: grocery stores, rec centers, fitness centers, libraries, community centers, college campuses (multiple buildings) and of course we want them posted in schools so your peers will come support you! If you take a poster to school please be sure to get approval from administrators before hanging it up. We want to maintain a good working relationship with the schools and being respectful of their regulations is one way of doing that. At school you may want to ask to place a poster in or by the: front entrance, library, cafeteria, computer lab, dance room, gym, locker rooms, orchestra, choir or drama rooms.

When approaching businesses/schools, please make sure they know we are a non-profit organization. Here is an example of what you could say:
     "Hello. I am here representing South Pointe Ballet. We are a city sponsored non-profit organization that provides performance opportunities for our local youth. We have an upcoming production we would like to promote at this location. Is there a community board or somewhere in the store we could hang a poster for the next two weeks, please?"
We hope everyone will take pride and ownership of their participation in this ballet. It takes a group effort to ensure the success of our productions and we look forward to filling the auditorium with supportive audiences. Thank you to those of you who have hung your posters. Please reply to this email with your poster locations ASAP!

PS: Cast members have been emailed a PDF version of the poster to share through social media. Here is a JPEG you can copy & paste as well. Please remember this does not replace your poster requirement but will greatly supplement our advertising efforts.  Thank you so much

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